"Who am I and why I wanna run away from this **ed up society ?" "Just a girl from a middle class family who got big dreams and notices a lot of little things." "Working hard for my dreams, because I don't wanna die regretting !" "I'm here to make a mark, instead of caring about people's opinions on my activities."
Corrupted officers and ministers making big promises, but disappearing after they win, so, who will take the responsibility ? Little kids at the orphanage center, have no authority. People living outside living railway stations and on streets, got no food to eat. These people believe in making money, wasting it on useless materialistic things, but bother when it comes to donating.
Kids of private schools aren't happy because they're having depression and anxiety. Mental health awareness ? No one talks about it, in this society. And government school kids are just dying, because there are no facilities.
Girls getting married before getting their college degree. Guys living on their parent's money at the age of 30. If you like something that's out of their understanding, the, you should be focusing on studies. So many people, undiscovered. So much of talent, still hidden in the streets. Suppressed dreams, dysfunctional families, there is so much more in the story, that you hear. sitting with aunties. So many people being judgy and living with a sick mentality. Welcome to then dark side of the society.
I noticed all this and that's why I don't settle for less than my capability, and I'm not gonna lower my standards to adjust in this society.