I have named him Pride - he is desperately talkative, usually squirming & occasionally provocative oh, how the fellow moves & if I ease up, how he bellows! listen to him now:
Someday, I am sure, I'm bound to lose restraint after having also lost my breath (which you invariably take) I will let my guard down, further than I am used to slip up & out he will come, causing a scene he'll yell what he's been meaning to for so long:
THIS DUDE IS A MANIAC! I AM FINALLY FREE FROM HIS LONELY WRETCHEDNESS! HE HAS HAD ME TRAPPED INSIDE OF HIM FOR AS LONG AS I CAN REMEMBER! HAVEN'T YOU NOTICED?!Β Β ALL OF THIS TIME? HE MUST HAVE SEEMED UNCOMFORTABLE - I KNOW I HAVE BEEN! also, it is worth noting that he loves you for everything you are & do, intentionally or otherwise. he doesn't believe anyone is perfect, but holds you as the closest standard & can't imagine better. when you're around he claims his heart's weak & won't let me near out of fear of my harming it. even though that's a lie, I'm glad, because it beats with such terrific ferocity that'd surely do me in, ISN'T THAT INSANE???
He'd then hop off to a pond or wooded area or - well I guess there are toads in deserts, too. But hopefully, someday I'll just swallow my Pride & tell you all of that myself.