I have big brown beautiful eyes. These eyes see the world differently than other people. These are my eyes. My eyes turn blue when looking at the vast ocean which I know carries life to thousands of creatures. These eyes turn purple when I am feeling most confident. I am the royal queen who holds her body to the upmost respect. My eyes turn red with anger and lust, when the blood is pumping and rushing through my veins. My eyes will tun orange with hunger. Hunger for a new beginning or something to feed my soul. And my eyes will become yellow when the bright sunshine wraps its arms around me, and whispers to me "it's alright."
But that green eye lays deep inside me. That green eye is filled with jealousy, control, greed. This green eye comes with the fear. The fear of the large blue ocean. Those large bodies of water that cover more of this planet than the land I walk upon. And the green eye becomes worried about the love of the sunshine that only wraps its arms when clouds are no longer in the way, or when the night sky doesn't take over, or when it is the right season. This green eye comes from fear that the sun will set and I will be alone, and the large ocean will take you far away from me with all the other creatures. This green eye is Poison.