Emotional coming out I did a lot this year so far Alex says it's all growth This arc for my role could not have been foretold
Every day closer to the flame Getting burnt for fun My heart? It lies in my mouth So I spit sweet blood It's a blessing and a curse specially behind closed doors that allowed me to go far
The first time I lost my mind the first time I did something alone was because I had no one! Toxic knots that I weaved on my own... Collective opus - these toxic knots
Is my destiny to break down in pieces? No, but I live for bleeding It's such a thick wall to keep on living You helped me become myself but every sweet bite from the cake I earned I have a lot of thankfulness, even love for you, but no connection that's true
I am a tortured artist! I am everything you hate! You are everything standing in my way! Yet... We untie these toxic knots with everyday's deeds so let's keep rolling like the sea