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May 2013
You make me nervous
It used to be a good type of nerves
but I'm not sure anymore
I feel like I don't know what to do with myself
When I'm around you
And even when I'm not
You always joke about my hands shaking
And I tell you they're always that way
But that's a lie
It's because of you

I keep track of how many times I text you first
and tell myself it's your turn this time
Wondering if you sit, hoping  I'll text you
or if you don't really care at all
Because I do

We never have classes together
because I take AP and you take applied
That never bothered me before because I think you're brilliant
But I'm starting to wish we did
Because the way my friends talk about you
doesn't line up with the way you are around me

According to them you're high everyday
You don't try in class
And frankly you're  kind of rude

But according to me you just have some problems
You always try your best
And you're a beautiful person

So I'd really like to know
Which one is the real you
Because I can't keep invested my time in a fantasy
I need to see the real girl
Not the one I wish you could be
Soph Haze
Written by
Soph Haze  Canada
   --- and Daniel K
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