keep me in this prison: to recount the spinning labyrinth of thought before falling to sleep only 14 hours ago... and having done so: dreaming up the most uncomfortably real dreams - not that detailing them would be worth anything...
begging myself: remember the words prior to sleep: write them down: you fool! the "other" man is speaking - rising from the depths: the child "abadoned": to curate this tongue has risen from the depths by chance of you favouring to enter them in turn...
a protest concerning kenneth rexroth: but sir... what's there to boast about? aren't you reading Proust as a translation?
keep me in this prison... as of today... a few chapters from the pickwick papers: yes... i do kind Dickens much easier on the eye: and most certainly much more peacock-strutting than Shakespeare... perhaps with the exception of Macbeth: as ever... exceptions can and sometimes must be made... however: minor...
and in between chapters... well... a swedish ***** and some tonic and lime... and then the windowsill... perched on a folded leg... smoking a cigarette... continuing to sip the thrill zapping... crisp and cutting... warm snow... and the song... qui nous demaine:
trois fleurs d’amour i trouvai en la bonne estraine voici le mai, le joli mois de mai qui nous demaine...
in the rendition of corvus corax...
yet another moon-less night... such nights: where it almost feeds to be inclined to conjure up some nearby nomad with a robe attired with stars... a silver globus of glistening romance and death...
such nights when the moon doesn't appear... and frankly... the clouds have settled for keeping the man in the ***** of earth: never to aspire toward galileo and copernicus ltd. in protest! for astronomy!
yes... between reading the pickwick papers... and listening to some music: never the two at the same time... a parting of the seas... the art of reading: in the sea of silence... where you can fiddle with... a whisper from the buzzing aeon bound to minutes: the sound of an electric demon in a lightbulb...
and of course beyond this sea of silence: a sea of sighs and yawns... a flipping of a page: like a crease in time - or a passing whale-shaped-tsunami of sound... to then the music...
as death would have it: beside the music... perhaps once upon a time... but i do not believe it: a pen on paper - a hunched crow left scratching with its claws... while a fire **** between such imaginary creatures took place in a candleflame... but no music... perhaps in the 20th century: the radio... and the type-writer: machine-gun... the radio static would have aided the mechanisation of the type-type-typo! scratch-rip! again!
21st century antics? pristine quality, earphones... all the better to not hear the clicking sound of a lineage of ten little hammers on a keyboard... perhaps plucking oysters from the depths... or for that matter pearls... or perhaps searching for delicate mushrooms and pulling them by the stump... still the umbrella royalty still: that sucker's bribe of pride...
of note: the old tongue wanted an audience... concerning? drinking... and other... habits... *****: most certainly... with the lime and tonic... in "rationed" doses... and a good sleeping hygiene... i must call it a sleeping hygiene... at most 12am to bed... and at least 8am the rise... the drinking: one day upon a sleeping lake... another day upon a raving lunatic of a sea! a time for drinking: a time for thrist... a time for living and a time for dying...
i tried to imagine myself in one of those a.a. meetings... self-lacerating myself: in that secular ugliness: without a monk's tunic or: tools for: penitence... after ten weeks or so: clap clap all round applause! i bet... the dry stretch: applause applause: lady gaga go-go! to live for applause... b'ah! to ******* with that sort of attitude... and this is where the old tongue spoke(:)
o piciu?! wersja: jak, pić?! chcem tego psa na smyczy niż tą smycz: samą! bez tego psa! ten "niby" wzamian z tym marno-nerwowym człowiekiem! tą śpiącą pijawką! suma sumarum? wole tego psa na smyczy - niż tą smycz bez psa! lepiej ja z tym psem na smyczy: niz ten czlowiek ze swą śpiącą pijawką!
tr. on drinking?! version: how to, drink?! i want this dog on a leash than this leash: on its own! without this dog! that "so-called" alternative with this feebly-nervous human! that sleeping leech! <> i rather this dog on a leash - than this leash without a dog! better i with this dog on a leash: than this human with his sleeping leech!
it's not some eternal wisdom... but... it's a good enough start... and yes... please... this prison... every... single... day, and, night.... forever... i can become the observant spy mushroom: the hitchhiker in 1960s psychadelia mingling with darwinism... the mushroom that hijacked the ape... etc.
it's a pretty simple list... a dickens... a ***** and tonic and lime... a windowsill... a cigarette... some... folkish song... i'd much prefer the lyrics to the sung in anything but english... french, latin... german... norwegian... but please... not italian... i'll settle for greek...
if asked: why didn't you marry... good question... why didn't i marry? perhaps this... or perhaps... i much prefered the 1 hour periods of entertaining the company of prostitutes in a brothel? honest transactions: stealing kisses... the mainstream already laid the generic framework: jack the ripper sort...
well: from judas to jesus to me to the... "lowest denominator"... or so "they" say... since if there was anything to be celebrated at easter... outside of a homogenous catholic nationhood... in england... the lair of the huguenots... well... i teased reading kabbalah... i teased reading the gnostic texts and i really did go mad about the nag hammadi library... after a while though: can i change the direction of the Vistula by putting a stick in the middle of it? i certainly: ha ha! river... not the sea: what can you do? turn the time and the flow?
anyway... catholicism... the usual suspect rubric check-list... baptised? had i any say in it? first communion? did i have any say in it or would you rather ask whether i lied when taking my first confession? a first confession is a precursor to a first communion... or... i don't remember... i played the xylophone at the st. augustine's primary school nativity play: yeah... and drinking under-age... crux of the matter: if we're all about peacocking and comparing all the little richards via the 3rd's **** or whatever... confirmation? yeah... so much for a church wedding...
all that... and i have to come back... sensibly... catholic intellectualism or sorts... bribe me and i might take it seriously... love me and i might even throw in some fiasco of apologetics... but then i'd be like a monkey at a sushi bar: eat it? fling it?! the only sensible consolidation of a celebration of easter...
the winter has been crucified... and today was the first day i could pick up a scent of spring... in the rain... it trickled with... earth... from far away... dry sand... mingling with the water... the wind must have picked up the sand from sahara and a dollop of the evaporating mediterranean... flung it to these isles...
yes: origins in catholicism... which always more fun to break away from... "apostate": notably watching apostate intellectual jews and their spezial brand of atheism... since: i mean... trust a catholic convert to judaism? trust a *** reading into gnosticism? or trust a muslim at all? basic questions of: a priest, a rabbi... a druid walk into a bar... sort of jokes... there a litany of them... a whole 'ymn book o' 'em! sam's the weller! see the son? moi noi'ver!
but back and forth back and forth within and without catholicism... it's not as fun... black-clad sober, serious, surplus of secularism... all that: agitation from... what the persians rebelled against... when finally the islamic schism came so early... and the ****'ites and... the persians like the good choir boys of catholicism... one eye is said to be reserved for reading... one eye is said to be reserved for admiring... it's hard to admire a text... when it's even harder to read into a sculpture!
oh yes... i like this prison... very much... where, is, my, mind?!