His beckoning intro was that of something beyond me; As to what he was addressing and Why was a mystery Oh great one I see; Please cast thee your secret! And, I'll give you my body to cover thy debt!
I glanced into his bottomless eyes with a firm valor and his seriousness began to fade into a ranting of dalor Not once have I seen gallantry as such from an initiate! Perhaps you are worthy to become as us - A satiate!
Let me just interpret the stars in which you're habituated; Put forth your hand so I can determine what I've insinuated So, I reached forward with my palm upright without a stutter He examined my veins closely and then commenced again to mutter
Aha! You lurk in the lunar water as the empathetic serpent! You're the omitter of vice and the keeper of the cowards repent! And the flawlessly imperfect number of twelve marks your birth! You hold the primal apprehension for the inhabitants of earth!
You're purely one step away from the beyond of thirteen; And, Alas to cease without satiety is to restart the scene That number is the sum of all that isn't and is to be; To walk in that field of shadow is to befit one with thee!
How shall I befall my ****** functions and absorption? I purposed with an uncertain query and a botching motion; arousing a solicitous tension into the brisk night air In which our duo could do naught but trade stare-to-stare
For he infallibly knew the answer to what I had postulated; and the speechless exchange was the pattern that it vindicated As I waited for his response to our silent wandering; I gained a steadfast interpretation to it's ineffable meaning!
As he had before mentioned that what I sought was slumber; and to what had prohibited me from that lay within my number! I was to pursue and slaughter the cause of thy miseration; but to what had substantially done so was up to contemplation
Before I could inquire further he stomped my speech with revel Your lack of morality has imposed the question and asked it well; And your efficacious deduction has left the first step resolved! The second is to seek out your ailment and leave it dissolved!
This quest may prove to be a detriment to your psyche; but, alas it's essential to slay the loss in your memory So, if you will - sift through your known recollection - and recover the culprit of your deprived affection!
So, aimlessly I treked through the past of my personal lineage; Shoving away the wasteful remains of the plentiful foliage There stood an assembly of forgotten friendship and romance; and the single act that sung so softly was that skin-on-skin dance
Emerging from the assortment of lost games and innocence; My original paramour cast her stainless beauty and essence Moving her limbs onto my own caressing my mind with sensation; And, alas I've no choice but to show her to a violent desolation..