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May 2013
To the shadows of branches that were erasing all light
and sheltering creatures that were hidden in night
Lurkers like me who can do nothing but hide
In perpetual solitude my time I must bide

Demonic imps were dancing by the treeline
With horrid faces of the queerest design
Intriguing my interest to enter the wood
Pulling me closer to the hill where they stood

Their song and dance had now faded to chant
As I hid by a bush becoming more reluctant
Suddenly they stopped and crept to a glare
Reveal yourself at once we know you hide there!

I'm sorry strange beasts I mean you no harm
As a matter of fact i'm infected with charm
Those words that you speak arrange to invigor;
my ear and thy mind the sound it does trigger

The skeptical sprites began to laugh and say
If you want to join in then come right away!
Drink fast this elixir for it will calm your mind
If thou art lord then he you will find

I took hold of the goblet with a hesitant sigh
The expressions around me had then turned so sly
I was beginning to ponder their commode and delight
and how I had not once left their sight

Is this some sort of antipathetic indignation?
What will be the extent of my inebriation?
I felt uneasy and I just had to ask
what manner of life lay under your masks?

Long we've been dead as you presumably guessed
We live in absence and are merely here as guests
For it's a Sabbath Night and 'tis our only vocation;
To meet with our followers at this very location

we've been waiting for hours but seen only you:
We need a mortal man to do what we do
So if I may return from my digression
It is time to begin the eve of possession!

As he finished his words I looked down at my drink
Examined the substance and began to think;
Of the words from a poet with peculiar luck
Write the unwritten and **** not lest ye be ******!

So, I Swallowed my pride and the brew as well
To embark on my unknowing journey through hell
My vision began to wither into the ugliest distortion
I knew at that moment there was no chance for abortion

My new found company began to frolic with joy;
For it was their Christmas and I was their toy
They cried and wallowed the hymns of the ******
Furiously racing around the most sacred Hexagram
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