In a world full of chaos you find happiness The happiness you find is in something you've created and nourished for years You love what you see and you love it with every inch of your mind, soul and, body The love is reciprocated on many occasion when the suns rays radiate But on rare occasion, there are clouds that obstruct the beautiful rays of the sun On those cloudy days, everyone can see that your shimmering aura has been dullened Is your happiness hurting you? Is your happiness leaving you? Dark days lead to dark thoughts You are not to blame you are human and we all feel the same. The sun will choose when to shine bright And those days the sun seems to have failed you The dark clouds will teach you a new part of yourself But in the meantime, your happiness will be there waiting for the dark clouds to dissipate Your happiness will not forget you the sun will go back to beaming and shedding happiness throughout your life to reassure you, you will be alright