“Lord help us remember that freedom isn’t free.” -Anonymous
Ready Aim Fire
End of the Civil War. President Abraham Lincoln dedicates a day to remember those brave men who have fallen on the field of battle in a pool of their own blood. For their country.
Ready Aim Fire
World War 1. Soldiers come home in body bags Or without their own legs. Arms. Or eyes. Men come home with stories they’ll never tell or ever want to think about. Most men stay where they have fallen.
Ready Aim Fire
December 7th, 1941 Japan bombs Pearl Harbor killing well over 2,400 soldiers.
June 6th 1944 American boats touch the soil of Normandy Beaches. 73,000 pairs of American boots run along the trenches. Most of them never leave.
Ready Aim Fire
1950 to 1953 Americans were shot at and killed in Korea. Hidden in the bushes, Korea only battled with ambushes.
Ready Aim Fire A conflict in Vietnam from 1955 to 1975. “Do not shoot unless shot upon.” One of the bloodiest wars American’s have seen. Men came home to be welcomed as villains To be littered on and verbally **** upon. Many men committed suicide.
Ready Aim Fire
September 11, 2001 Hijacked planes flew into the World Trade Center’s and the Pentagon. War has broken out against Al Qaeda, the Taliban, and other armed rebels. War is out in Iraq and Afghanistan. A shot in the dark for those men and women who get shot in the dark, Peacefully in their sleep. By men they have trained. Vehicles blow up and lives are taken every day.
Ready Aim Fire
During an average day in 2013 22 war veterans commit suicide. Every day.