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May 2013
My best friends aren't those that you would expect.
They aren't who i hang out with in school that much,
I don't have sleepovers with them or go shopping with them.

They are my guy friends that just want to climb trees, ride bikes, go crazy.
Our minds are alike, we have the same opinions about everyone.
If there is a problem we have with each other, we don't need to talk about it. We know it will pass.

No drama, just fun.
No arguments, just laughs.

Why can't my "best friends" be like this?
The people I hang out in school have to keep composed.
They won't let me be myself, my crazy and fun self.

I think they must be jealous,
'cause they won't let be hang out with my real friends
without a huge argument and making me feel like an outcast.
Yeah, my "best friends" are ok most of the time, but that doesn't make up for the times that they degrade me and make me hate myself.

Thanks for reading this long, pointless rant.
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