Glasses that tinted blue under the sun cold, white teeth that dazzled a smile that fizzed it whizzed in my stomach.
Tingling, fidgeting hands a correction of plans that I made when you asked if I was free for you, I'd always be.
The dark hair that snaked across your head it drew my breath and with it left, the rest of my youth and that is the truth.
Brown eyes, hidden by wireless frames the sparkle that you once brought has many times given me the thought: of how I wish I could paint your face and hold your hand against my chest to do my best to never let go, for then how could I ever know?
A smile that shattered the sky, you spoke of many things but never once did you utter a "goodbye" so imagine my surprise when you died and left behind that wisecracking smile, etched into my skin.
What you did was a sin and now the sky is so dim a dull lull loses control of it's full power to consume ****, you ruined my plans of a happy beginning and now it's all about my never beginning ending.
I am spending my days fending for those memories that fold in the corners of my mind it takes so long for me to find your voice that once saved me from my own demise
You were so wise, so sly with your ulterior motives to take away your own life and now it's my life to figure out why? Why, did you have to die?