CHRIST IS GOD The angel who could roll the big grave stone, and Your return to life after Your death have left no doubt that You were the great Lord, the mighty God of ours and all the world.
All your grand life and deeds showed beyond doubt You were the Lord Who could be scared by none. You would do only what You thought was right, not caring how the whole world would react.
Where is that man who won't defend himself and destroy those who'll **** him if he can? Instead You said, "My Father forgive them. They do not know exactly Who l am."
Where is the lord who cannot see a man, deprived of hope and lonely, shedding tears? You came to us to spread Your profound love, which You lived there with Your Father above.
You gave us what no strength can ever give except the mighty God, Who rules us all, and loves us in a way that men ignore, so You descended to make us love more. BY JOSEPH ZENIEH ALL RIGHTS RESERVED ____________