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May 2013
Her hair, her eyes.
Her smile, her laugh.
When I see her, I feel weak.
When she speaks to me, my heart warms me.
Her hair, more beautiful than a summer sunrise.
Her eyes, more beautiful than a moonlit clear night.
Her smile, so infectious that I can't help but smile back.
Her laugh, the most beautiful sound in the world.

When I'm with her, nothing matters.
The universe remains silent, just for us.
At first I thought we'd be like "Boy Meets World."

When we talk, the world disappears.
It's like we're the only two people on Earth.
It's quite soothing to talk to her because we connect.
Connect like Cory and Topanga.

After a long time, I ask, "Would you like to go out with me?"
Confidently I smile as I look at her bright eyes.
Then those fateful words are uttered,
"I like you as a friend."

In defeat, I slowly get out of the red-zone.
A cloud opens up on me and starts pouring.
Eventually I start to drown, until......
THEY pull me out. Those crazy guys I can call brothers.
The save me from drowning,
Save me from becoming who I'm not.
Then I learn,
I learn to let her go.
I don't fight because I have proven myself enough to her.

But don't get me wrong.
Being her man would be a dream come true.
But that's just it,
A dream.
Daniel Peters
Written by
Daniel Peters
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