These threads are tied to things Intangible I saw a life in front of me Multi-colored and vibrant Though in being entranced within this kaleidoscope My inner world fell silent
These notions Like heartfelt prayers lifted, open palms to the sky Are given up with heartfelt devotion It’s figments Pieces of plans Ideas never born Seeds never sprouted But it’s honey, so sweet Appeasing a heart’s intermittent melancholy To hold onto what may never be To hold onto hope, Let this run its course, and we’ll see
Spring is here and the world is coming alive again Awakening from its stagnant slumber I have awoken from a bewildering dream Though, even now, I doubt I am fully awake Threads from the past are braided into me As are new threads of the present being woven into me I’m a living, breathing tapestry And experiences are always changing me.