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Shaquille Otto
Apr 2020
Masked Man
Thought I didn't need anyone
Turns out I just needed a mom
The black sheep
I was never apart
Furthest away from your heart
Things have changed
I'm growing old
I don't need you
You still feel cold
I'm out of sight
Out of mind
I don't need you, I'll do alright
I don't need your blessings
Or your cash
Without your help I'll make a splash
Land on my feet woth a crash
I'm happier than ever
My life's brand new
And most of all
I'm not like you.
© 4 years ago, Shaq Jordan Otto life
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Masked Man
You think no one sees you, but you are wrong; i do; though I shouldn't.
You wear what you perceive to be a mask
A mask of what you show to others
Made up of bright colors
Colors that match all your friends
Those friends you discovered are foes
With hideous all crooked nose
In terrible greed and green
All covered in filth and obscene
I have never seen you wearing your mask
I see who you are underneath
And even so
I have never seen your eyes blink
Those eyes
They stare with a stare that transfixes me into staring
Lost eyes. Seeing eyes
You are different
You feel smells, and breath colors
You love with you thoughts
And somehow, I see you
I really see you
I read you
It's not a mask
It's a shield
Hiding the deeper thoughts
The darker places
The dreams of death
Lost loves and solitude
Surrounded by people every night
You feel more alone than ever in your mind
Because you never let anyone in...not anymore
For their sake and your sake
You never again let anyone see behind the mask
SOmetimes I wonder if you like it that way
You know the advantages of welding words
You enjoy playing the dark mysterious corner
As well as you do the light of the party
But no matter who you play, no matter what mask
you wear, you always hide bits of yourself. \
Pieces that should be pressed,
Parts that you trap inside yourself the mask like a lid...
Just do go there, you push aside the things like they mean nothing.
And you think n one notices.
But I do.
I see you with you unblinking eyes
I read you, between the lines.
I hear you, when you don't say a word
The man, the mask, are nothing together
Without their shared secrets.
I wrote this poem because the woman I love showed me that I have a mask, but only she can see through it. Vise Versa to her, she and I are the only ones who can see through the ******* and drama. You'll always be the one for me.
Written by
Shaquille Otto
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