When I look at myself from a different point of view I tend to see someone that I can't stand It's a face who has fallen to the trails & tribulations of life Someone who has no patience nor never will have any A face who has something so deep and dark inside that it's impossible to face Monster, creature, or whatever it maybe there's someone who isn't who is the other person Some people call this a disorder, some people call this 2 faces 1 body Stepping outside of who I really am and stepping into that person would mean that I no longer care for humanity This face has no fears, no cares, and nobody but himself If you were to encounter this face how would you react? Knowing that someone has 2 faces 1 body without letting it be shown How could the other face let those who he loves know this without being a * up Nobody there's because nobody cares; especially if they knew who this person was A face that nobody would recognize, a face that is unknown to even God A reflection of this face may make the other face seem like a * Having 2 faces 1 body isn't a disorder, it's my way of blocking whatever it maybe so nobody would ever figure out You or anyone that knows this would look at the 1 face and then see the other face and think that ain't right
I wrote this poem because allot of men don't realize that they have 2 faces, what I mean is that when things go south we have to become someone you're not. You put a mask one, to guard yourself. To put the mask on is where 2 faces come. You always have 2 faces.