When you looked me straight in the eye and said, 'The other night you were so drunk I thought, "man, I could totally take advantage of her." Could've gotten straight into your pants', I was shocked. I had been right all along. All those times your eyes danced in amusement whilst you forced your mouth to stop twitching I already knew what was going through your mind. But tonight thanks to half a dozen pints you've said it all and there is no turning back. I was shocked, by my reaction, my immediate reply, "so why didn't you?" though not spoken out loud, was clearly heard in my seductive smile. When you put one arm around me forcing me into a hug and tried to kiss me on the lips I moved away. When you grasped my wrists with your hands and pinned me down leaving bruises in the shape of your fingers I threatened to bite you. When you squeezed the back of my neck with one hand just to prove how big your palm was I struggled to break free. Reactions which felt were called for. Reactions which were expected and appropriate. But, part of me, **** that, all of me, enjoyed the sensation of that feeling of helplessness as you slowly overpowered me the playful manhandling the alien sense of control and authority. Even hours later I'm stroking the bruises on my wrists wistfully. The back of my neck is tingling whilst reminiscing. A part of my soul darker than your skin has been unveiled and I'm shocked. I would like you to do all that to me again one on one in an empty place and I think I will enjoy the gentle pain.
This poem is the sole property of me and cannot be copied or used without permission. [Copyright G.H. Rodrigo 27/05/2013]