Here I stand. Love for the soul. To touch one My eyes like dice. They need secret Keep in gods house.. The sleep of sightless flight As birds chirp and cheep. Teaching the life left in me
That more becomes a man When god returns what's his To your willfull ownership For it is far more his will Than should anyman Possess. And may I be stripped of these blessings should I grow arrogant In self will That's the storm of Tears cried of the heaven That keeps me humble in the sun That nourishes the seeds that I've planted. And only to feel important Is my flaw. When so much love is given how could I not reciprocate. The love of s world in trial of times Unbecoming. in bad need of redemption repair and salvation So much good exists here As long as we have each other. May god bless you on your journey friend Praise the song of god bless You