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Terry Collett
May 2013
Sitting on a field gate
looking toward the Downs
Jane talked
of butterflies
and birds
and formation
of clouds
trying to educate you
on the country ways
you sat in blue jeans
and white shirt
unbuttoned at the neck
and she wore
the simple grey dress
white socks
and brown shoes
from recent ventures
into muddy fields
London's is a doss house
compared to this
you said
although I miss
the cinema
and locality of shops
but then there's you
with your down
to earth beauty
and straight forward
country wisdom
I'm not beautiful
in any sense
she said
the only real beauty
Father says
is the sky above us
and all that lies beyond
you gazed
at her profile
the dark hair
the pale skin
the finely drawn lips
the way she tossed
her head
to remove hair
from her eyes
she jumped down
from the field gate
on to the grass
and walked on
and you followed
she looked back
and smiled
why did you look at me
in that way?
what way?
I don't know
that studying me
kind of way
as if you'd only just
seen me
for the first time
maybe I have
you said
maybe I've seen you
for the first time
in a different way
she looked away
her eyes scanning
the Downs
my mother trusts you
I am glad she does
you said
she trusts you
because you're not like
most boys around here
whom she doesn't trust
she picked cowslips
from the field
and sniffed them
and held them out
to you to sniff
beautiful aren't they?
simple yet beautiful
you sniffed them
and gave them
back to her
yes they smell good
you said
she put out a hand
and touched yours
her hand was warm
you rubbed your thumb
over the back
of her hand a
s you walked on
she holding the cowslips
in the other hand
sniffing them
now and then
what is it
you like about me?
she asked
moving off the field
onto the tree lined drive
up to the Downs
you're pretty
and quiet
and thoughtful
and I feel relaxed
with you
anything else?
I like your eyes
and your hair
and the way you smile
she laughed
and looked away
after a few minutes
she walked you into
a large hollowed out tree
and sat down inside
as if it were a large
inner room
do you love me?
she asked softly
you looked at her mouth
the way her lips
had moved so simply
yes I guess I do
you said
she leaned toward you
and kissed you
the meeting of lips
she put down the cowslips
and embraced you
with both arms
you held her close
smelling the freshness
of new apples
and country air
then she sat back
and pushed the hair
from her face
and said
I trust you too
and then she was up
and out of the hollow tree
with her cowslips
and walked on to
the drive again
and called out
come on we've away
to walk to the top
and you came out
of the tree
and followed her
noticing how slow
she swayed as she walked
the cowslips rising
and falling in her hand
her voice calling you
to follow her
and you did
near to her side
sensing her nearness
her beauty
the way she walked
and talked
and off to one side
a woodpecker
tapped tapped
on a tree
and you'd wanted
to be no where else
neither distant climes
or lands afar
but close to her
and following her
like some
tall ship
at sea
a bright star.
Written by
Terry Collett
Sussex, England
(Sussex, England)
Terry O'Leary
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