Early morning April 8th, 2020 meteorologic destiny manifested... rumbling atmospheric thuds, promised natural exultant sound and light show subsequently within minutes dully rightly appraised as dud,
yours truly forced himself awake way before dawn's early light all for naught, yet... thus hours later summoned, perhaps lame poetic material (think) potential Earth shaking literary cause not lost
expressing disappointment 'pon absent dramatic booming anticipation, electrifying fascination, injecting glorification atavistic beastie boy within me awed, charged, fascinated, jarred, witnessing (i.e. seeing and hearing) humbling experience beholding
Time and again without fail - exuberant delight always gushes forth, no fanfare for totally tubular common man, whose feeble insignificant powers laughable and lamentable
puny human specimen easily flicked (think humongous sized fingers particularly middle digit) sending me airborn pirouetting head over heels at mercy of Mother Nature's whims
among brethren and sistren constituting fray'n chipped foo fighting ship of motley crew zing fools metaphorical human league bajillion **** sapiens even if/when global
standing military combined be they: armies, marines, navies... fighting force nope, still no match against tectonic and volcanic potential and/or kinetic energy.