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May 2013
How often it takes to live in Review
When Hard-Bound Cases never sate enough
Of you and I - Respected Crafts adieu
To have Moments subtled yet rendered so rough
With Meanings as these no wonder consume
On how Equalled Dimensions create some sense
Yet fail to meet be such Reason subsume
Based on Degrees sapped to our own Defense
Thinkers, maybe. Yet Actions your Deeds score
More than which my own Carpels could apply
Foremost Succeed; As made Success your Fore
Which the Reclusive Verser struck on-High.
And she was Right; That Flower's Universe bloom
As yours the Board; Whose Waves herald you soon.
#tomdaleytv #tomdaley1994
Written by
Xavier Paolo Josh Mandreza  Makati City, Philippines
(Makati City, Philippines)   
     Timothy and Xavier Paolo Josh Mandreza
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