An unmoved silence fell Palpable and surreal, empty swept streets of billowy notes frightful notes making no comforting sound pestilent in part and unfamiliar the worst part. part earth part mystery part necessity part curious destiny
From up above the birds had momentarily had mad had stopped.
Then had Wild with a fabulous fury Unfurled a hurried Frilly crescendo a thrilling rage a medley a melody a harmony a coming of age Released cage fury outrage. A warning whistle To take flight I have Felix insight We all have our nemesis. The chorus continued. Then quiet.
The dawning of a new age A warble in the fabric of time A fluttering in the unflappable Felt for and across time You couldn’t put your finger on it It was untenable yet real As if Time had collapsed Like a wave function Like you had flatlined Like a thousand deaths and counting Somehow still existing but existing somehow still. In the silence. Of the now.