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Apr 2020
The streets stood empty, row upon row
The peak of the virus still grows, when it will end we don't know.

It started in Wuhan and went on an international spread
It has no mercy, and will kiss people dead.

It is like a war, but not one with guns
It's a silent killer and threatens all our loved ones.

There have been many misconseptions, "it's mild like the flu"
But it can infect anybody, perhaps even you.

It all happened so quick and took everyone by surprise
It came to the UK and our way of life was compromised.

Schools were closed and fear seeped into our heads
It all became real, and the country was filled with dread.

Then everywhere started closing, everything all together
And the only thing that seemed to improve was the spring weather.

All the pubs too are closed, much to the publics despise
We all have to follow the protocol and stay safe inside.

One walk a day, that's all that is allowed
Mass gatherings are banned, don't mingle in the crowd.

Everyone's summer plans have been cancelled, weighing us all down
The towns and cities are left empty, looking like a ghost town.

Teachers, workers, nurses and services are put on the front line
All at risk, holding the UK together like a body's spine.

Scientists working day and night to find the cure
Meanwhile everyone on the front line still has to endure.


It is easy to dwell on the negatives, that is true
But there are more positives than you think, more than you knew.

We have all learnt a lesson, show compassion and pride
Help our communities, especially the vunerable self isolating inside.

Staying away from everyone, even family and friends
But still showing love where we can, as we move towards the end.

Not only this, the country's skies have finally cleared
The pollution has decreased allowing London's true colours to appear.

So listen well, heed the governments words and stay inside
Keep your distance and we can save lives worldwide.

- Jasmine (15)
Stay safe everyone :)
About the coronavirus and how it has hit the uk
Feel free to share ,but don't copy
Written by
Jasmine  15/F/UK
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