Secrets are oozing from the bowels of the earth, she quakes and shakes her ***** for your viewing.
Watch her take a bite from your life, she’s older than your great great great grandparents.
Her womb grew for us, opening wide devouring those who die.
She’s got six feet long legs, a chest bigger than mount Everest, and hair as long as the Nile River.
Her depths are the deepest, her valleys dip deeper too, her girth is wide and she has sapphire eyes and diamonds grow from her thighs.
She’s screaming for help, but no one hears her cries, for you’re all blind and deaf, it’s a merciful whisper burning steady and fast through out the night.
She slowly takes her last breath, releasing a deadly ghost from her past.
Oh Corona, oh Corona shall we sing you a song a proper fair well?
Oh Corona, oh Corona you’ve over stayed your welcome, no one invited your virus or your dime lit eyes.
Such secrets came free as the sunsets upon your ocean eyes, the beams carry a dream of peace and love. It’s up to us if we do her right.