You cant go around the worlds saying you are a leader and being a follower You lead with your thoughts ideas and innovations Not someone else's way...
Perfection does not exist, but trying to be better that who you are does exist You can tell someone that they have a needle through their when You have one yourself (Bible)
There are things that have to be done, so do them There is no worst fail that the time you don't try Figure out what needs to be done and do it before you think about a new task
Time is consuming and dedication is the support you need You can't promise many dreams at once and then disappoint others Think about what is more pleasing to you not to others who look at you
Love the game you play And Play the game you love
My teacher in 6th grade once said, "Choose the job you love and you wont ever work a day in your life" And that "History repeats its self"
I did not understand this until the time when i got hit by that reality!
The most important of all is to ask God for empowerment in all of these, To achieve that goal that rests in your heart