I am sometimes sad because Surely churches should be Shelters for the homeless? Or because pockets jingle And we are deaf to the jolly clatter Whilst others hear the call of god. Or because people with Paper cuts leak bitterness And not human empathy And we leak and leak and No one cleans up after us, Until jokers mutter 'revolution' And the day dreams of a burning city Are believable when the cries for 'IhavenohomeIhavenomoney nofoodnoshelterIhavenothing' Are from muted peripheral spectres In our Utopia. Mostly I am sad because my words Are void by lacking action but My mind refuses to stop spilling out poetic waste.
Today you gave me a fake flower and Most likely a lie but the flower is on my wall Shiny yellow thing in foil bright like my eyes, you said. I hope our exchange gave you hope.