I sleep under a bridge The hundred revisions of love letters Lay rested on a day's rumination on my breast It is a deep discussion on today's paper A friend of mine cries out Our debate has heated up Our friendship is in cold storage I doze off to the sound of cold thunder A plentitude of temptations A platitude of vast proportions She walks in beauty of rumbling rumours She trusts me and laughs like the flowers When she is tempted to Our angels may be invisible But the love feels real There are plenty of days when streets bleed In the tension of crime Which cuts like a knife The wounded leopards lick their scars Like a necessitous man lies naked in the cold night I sleep under a bridge under the towers Under the cover of your love, waiting For you to bring me the warmest death Under a common blue sky counting off the hours Where I grow old without power or promise And I shall wear the bottoms of trousers rolled Lift my head up as I tear away My sorrows from the fears As years wind away like the minutes I will sleep and purify the breeze As the wind circles the dust under forked lightning Turning ashes into a handful of lust My love will leave behind gust You will remember me as star dust As you turn your eyes away for the last time, in disgust