Does a prayer require a god sitting above? Or can an agnostic whisper a few words Not knowing to whom but for.
Pray for the child who slept hungry this night And many a nights before. Pray for the mother who could not sleep after the beating she never asked for. And pray for all the sick and the dying and the downtrodden and the poor. Pray for the rich and the kings and beggars for despair knows no bounds.
You can hear the anguish, the cry if you listen closely enough. I can hear it amidst the sound of a clock trumpeting the endless journey of time. I can hear the soft murmur of thriving lives around me, some alive , some waiting to die.
I pray to all the gods I have never seen, that I will never see. I pray to the kind, the cruel, the altruists and the selfish to be more.
Tell me, does a prayer require a god above or just the one for whom these words are for?