You touched my heart A part of me that is untouchable in reality You can not literally touch my heart with your fingers Even though you can touch anythng on the outside of me Energy that you have within you touches my heart Energy comes from your Soul into Mine The feeling can be felt...not seen, only seen By my eyes as they fill with tears when you touch my heart My heart feels your pain, your love, and misses you As it fills my whole body with blood that circulates through my human body and my Soul that you can not see either It is there, and my Soul feels you loving me and it feels when you dont love me. My heart and Soul know somehow that you dont like me or think what I do or say is stupid or just unbelievable. My whole being feels your pain when you hurt. I feel everything around me and it that energy sometimes is so strong that it consumes me and makes me feel like Im suffocating. I walk away, I hermit myself as I look out the window knowing that I will get back out and join the world and all those feelings I am an Empath. Glad to feel you.