i said to her, prior - i've just found a gem of a song... alterslied by walther von der vogelweide,
how would it not remind me of the time - the spring on the balcony - the suffocating perfume of the marrow yet to be or just born in the calf - or the perfumery of mahogany of cherry not yet a chair or a table... in that: her blossom as if... more tender than any japanese porcelain or for that matter: geishas' milky leather... warm: for still worn cloaking the sinew, the **** and spew of intestines... and the last signature in bone... still walking... calling the moon a... fickle dunked biscuit...
she was blooming beneath me... this cherry tree - and but one among the rest of the plethora of scents... still that book i was reading: Henryk Sienkiewicz - knights of the cross - the teutonic knights - Krzyżacy - and of course the screen-adaptation... one by Aleksander Ford...
the veneer corpse riddle - haunting as glass with its imitation of water or see through as a veil of Baghdad's exquisite harem of an abiding: sheikh or imam - piercing eyes that know no depth of sleep - stolen light: as what i call dreams -
but i was "thinking" along the lines of... neoplatonism came from Plotinus reading Plato - basics... Bertnard Russell can cover the rest... but i was "thinking" of... a neo-cartesian model... way before it might become ideological and an 'ism... how does the original begin? dubito, ergo cogito, ergo sum... not much of doubt these days... to doubt these days is to almost entertain belief: or at least: the plethora of emotions that hitchhike their way for the heart to carry... it's not an outright negation... doubt, that is...
then again: doubt is a double-edged sword... it cripples those that believe as it does ******* those who disbelieve...
but i can hardly want to begin from doubt... i've heard it somewhere... like a hindu or a buddhist mantra... i remember... i remember... i remember... i did link memory to a sort of... cameo cinema of my place in this world...
perhaps... if i begin with: dubito - i doubt... i don't see how i can translate myself into a concreteness of: cogito - i think - therefore into: sum - i am... by now thought is a fickle aspect of my summa summarum... i'd very much like to begin with... at least one aspect of time being invoked... doubt... is timeless - thought is timeless and spaceless... existence: is both...
i'd begin my neo-cartesian route by stating an alternative route...
memoro, ergo cogito, ergo sum... i remember, therefore i think, therefore i am... doubt is a fickle creature... a pretty creature... a peacock... which... is hardly a phoenix... can any so-called editorial section journalists... the opinion pieces journalists... the dialectical-phobia-prone saturday journalists... be called... journalists?
are they really journalists? to have... opinion columns in newspapers? just asking... i never thought they were... ideologue ditto-heads comes to mind... how can: thinking translate itself into: the pivot of out of every instance: this insistent paraphrase...
i never find myself shackled to thought... esp. not by doubt... the labours of the liar to think... when all has been thought... but i am gladly thinking when shackled to memory - when there's some narrative involved... when there's the cameo cinema of memory and i find myself: a good man...
i was once accused of "liking the sound of my own voice"... god forbid - but with regards to liking my given names? how doesn't this sound: but it already does: Conrad von Heiligkreuz... second name at baptism - and i am... von heiligkreuz... it's a region in Poland... there is a Świętokrzyskie Voivodeship... i have a fetish for german... and it's not like matthew isn't a loan name to be given - origin in hebrew... but at least i have a past - to live under the guidance of the names bestowed upon one... in good company with ol' von Wallenrode... C... K... does it matter?
i do like my given names... hell... i'd like it even more if i was Ezra rather than Matthew... more so if i was a Nikita... fluid non-binary names... don't you think?
because i am thinking of germany from the medieval period - or at least: what became of barbarossa drowning and being pickled... and how... prussia and lithuania were just gagging for a stab in the dark for an already adrenaline fuelled junkies of the passion of the cross... or *****... i never know which the jester, marquis the sade asked for...
foundation of knowledge: yes... dubito, ergo cogito, ergo sum... but i'm not here to know more than what's already known - where does knowledge lead these days? pub-quizes and trivia... regurgitation of facts... i want to find an alternative to knowledge... a: transcendence of morality - a leverage of my remains that cannot be confined to a bone - to a name - i'd wish for an escape with and through an epitaph...
or - anon. as some works are cited... prompter of the theatre - in the prompter's box when the actors would forget their lines... ah... the critique of the proposition with the presupposition of a "i"... "it" is also a presupposition - nothing can be a pronoun... but i'm not here to make a genesis of man via: dubium... nor via reverentia... i'm not a child any more... i've visisted the underworld and came back with dreams - and to the world i left and came back to... yes... i have been here before... to begin with... memoriae... though... that's enough to subsequently think, to subsequently be... otherwise why would the powers that be... make it a crusade in the realm of pedagogy to pour corrosive juices into our brains with all that encyclopedic *******, arithmetic when there are calculators, to exhaust our very personal capacity to remember? travesty i yelp!
hell: i'll even yarl! save your memory... it will give you more than doubt in what has to become you - or whatever happens to thinking - insert any number of blanks when a concrete translation of thought into will was lost to "thinking" / day-dreaming...
but at least: the cameo cinema of memory... 10 very focused memories... enough... and these to be kept unchanged... sharpened like flint... polished like silver... bitten like metal... worshipped like ink poured into chiselled labyrinths of timber...
to wake from having to inherit the 20th century from others... my 20th century begins circa 1989... but it also begins circa 1944... and circa 1937... circa 1982... circa 1998... circa 1994... but it is never... the history of a people that is... but my slot... memory: as personal as thought... i have seen how memory can be usurped... can be... the focus of saboteurs... i'm missing two nouns at present...
to remember something from aeons beyond... i cannot doubt these two words i am thinking of... but i don't remember them... then again: is memory such a fickle bride of thought? isn't doubt more fickle?
ah! subverters! well... saboteurs... and that second word? it's a psychiatric term: of implanting false memories... regression! or something... but if psychiatry is making an attack on the faculty of memory... and pedadogy has already poured carboxylic acid into our brains with education that's... only for the purpose of ensuring there are pedagogues...
yes... and the prospect of me becoming a father, let alone a grandfather... is for mickey mouse to become a ******* nun... but you'll never know...
memory is under attack... doubt... well you can doubt whatever the hell you want: deny or believe whatever you want... mind you... if it "all" begins with:
memoro, ergo cogito, ergo sum... and psychiatry and the great psi (Ψ) of psychology... what sort of: "critique of the proposition with the presupposition of a 'i'" is there? when you have the practice of regression / false memory implants? and all that pedogogic juice to boot?
better keep yourself to memory... you never know: doubt can take care of itself... it doesn't have to translate into thinking into being... but sure as **** and sherlock 'olmes to boot... your memory needs defending... to be sure... a + b + a + c + u + s = ? well... sure... 1 + 1 = 2... to put to memory... how something sounds... into writing... onomatopoeia... well... it's not one of those: knock-knock... who's there jokes... ghosts don't knock on doors... they slide their chains across the wood... rhapsody in any ghoul's adventure of: revision of the taste of morello cherries... there will be no revision of the taste of morello cherries! that sort of sour is one and only, and it would better define someone's last breath on this rock and couldron of constellations come night... than... an adieu with a kiss.