canoe sunset rides on spider lake. 1am star sneakouts to lay on the pontoon and talk. running to walmart in the rain. "welcome to caaaammmppppp" first night frybread. take me home country roads three guitar jam sesh letters back and forth. worship at the ridge. bless. blair lake sunsets. 12 hour naps in sick room. mighty mighty. bonkers. ducking underwater to escape the horse flies. kaelynn flipping out of the kayak in baggy jean shorts. seeing sarah after four years. running to AO with Dustin and Ruby. mirror selfies with rachel. mario kart everything. talking with meredith in the hearth room. so many games of quarters. joy's snickety snacks towel over the head with sophie and joy cassie being the speaker my first time counseling. laurel's blue water song laying, crying, and talking with katie the last night AMEN across the lake cabin adventures to star gaze on pontoon. running to matthew and rachel with tear filled eyes after talking with amber aidan's long 10pm kind thoughtful and affirming texts