I say "I'm just tired" Because I can't tell you I can't tell you how I just want to cry All the time Because sometimes I feel so hopeless Because sometimes I feel so different Because I'm strange and left out and rejected I can't tell you how my heart is broken That the most beautiful boy I've ever known doesn't want me Because I can't tell you what I did Because I don't want you to see the ugly inside of me I can't tell you how I hate my body That I nit-pick and try to perfect it every second of every day Because I feel trapped in this physical shell Because I just want to be beautiful I can't tell you how ashamed and alone I feel Because I'm different Because I'm an oddball and I don't fit in with any of my many groups Because I'm never good enough, never bad enough Because I'm never enough I can't tell you any of this Because I don't think you really want to hear it Because I don't want to burden you Because I know I'm being stupid Because I feel too insecure to tell anyone anything Because I don't trust people anymore Because you'll just hurt me I can't tell you any of this So instead I'll say, "Nothing's wrong. I'm just tired."