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May 2013
A social climate infected by arrogance
We reek of greed and distortion beyond belief
Bitterness lurks through these seasonal nights to find nothing but subliminal dreams and horrendous frights
The poisons availing population control are becoming relentless
How can we desire ingenuity, if free will is unattainable
The towers have fallen and the hurricanes bring disasters
So is a new world order inevitable, or does that become indulged by the man himself
We've become a species fueled by materials and fallout is knocking at the door
Revolution: an ancient gathering of death and second chances
Because if we were all once "the body", how did we become so hideous
To the higher power, this is all systematical
To us morals, it is life
Searching for this impeccable conduct, we have become sightless of simplistic baggage
Spending too much time throwing a symbolic grenade into our trenches and hoping it blows up; but most often it is a dud
A lesson learned in time, a broad statement, and a suicidal commitment to our hearts
*For if we proceed with this concept, the world will brighten and the dark doors will vanquish
This is a poem I wrote when I was having trouble learning how to deal with society and all of the stresses that come along with the air we breathe.
My conclusion was Love. For it is the most beautiful thing life has to offer.
Jeramy Allen Thompson
Written by
Jeramy Allen Thompson  The Mitten
(The Mitten)   
   Anderson M, Adreishka and st64
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