I'll make the same mistake as you I'll f-k you over and over and over And expect all of zero consequences
I actually hate to tell you this, That is how it works with me.
Compared to the fantasies that You seem to be fond Of spreading about me When you're not spreading fantastical And utterly impossible rumours About me.
Why? I might be arrogant Or wise Depending on your point of view.
Maybe it's because I was making terrible Mistakes before you knew Armpit from ***
Maybe it's because I was dating Before you could Spell your ABCs
I won't let him go. Y'know?
He says I'm a stubborn *** And I tell him those are the same things
Fact is that, We're the same age. We're of the same understanding.
You were just a little too, Well. I guess, little.
Sorry. Just be happy that You're young You're innocent
You might think you're broken But I promise you're not. I promise I'll fight to keep you The same as I once was.
Young. Innocent.
He just happened to be The same age The same amount Of broken and betrayed As me.
If it'd make you feel better I can fix him And **** me And then you can have him