the year Pope Gregory XIII world leader (i.e. essentially paterfamilias among Roman Catholic flock) timely maneuvered around calendrical rock and hard space implementing viable system tracking years ad hoc
out of sync and lock step by one day with astronomical calendar, slated more'n acceptable tick tock off kilter around the year of 4818 after common era making mock
re: regarding mankind organizing and witnessing global chockablock Democratic celebratory anniversary party millenniums after Republican dynastic deadlock thoroughly walled imponderable gridlock worse fate than quaffing hemlock
practically snuffing out lock, stock and barrel constitutional birthrights thirteen original American founding fathers ghosts experiencing shock how initial inalienable rights activists sacrificing life and limb
united with linkedin armlock said freedom fighters shackled within crowded jail moldering cinderblock cold upon hemorrhoid riddle buttock diehard libertarians unified, pilloried, denounced legion with repulsion as Shylock
purported, reputed, touted playwright (William Shakespeare's sited antisemite The Merchant Of Venice) doth mock Judaism in vogue four hundred plus years ago, smoldering think white supremacists i.e. skinheads violently aiming to knock
non Caucasians upside the head courtesy pistol whip, and/or emptying gunstock into human flesh disenfranchise scaring up one after another racial and/or ethnic aftershock aforementioned celebrated bard unwittingly
strictly opinion of me:silly poet - despite hashtagged as laughingstock, (plus vitriolic objection taken) voiced by Shakespearean expert defenders, yours truly reckons mine thought provoking regarding storied, lauded, and feted Globe theater literary King my interpretations not crock.