I have transversed the most beautiful mountains Across the hills and the valleys Solely accompanied by nature The whistling breeze And the gushing Rivers
In my sojourn I met beautiful beasts Devouring me became their delight Painting in my blood their fantasy They toiled and tried But grace found me
They wanted my sun set at noonday With a blazzing sword Shinning in the hands of a Master Goldsmith Carefully crafted for vengeance The Master smoth them all Like thin air they vaporized
Why me, I asked Why should anyone care Even in my unfaithfullness Then i heard that still small voice Right in the middle of my travails Your transgressions I have blotted "I will walk with you"
Again, my mountains became stunning My crooked path straight My future breath-taking Suddenly, i saw hope In the midst of abandonement Because my case is different And it's my new dawn