I am trying to fit into this mold that creates everything and nothing I'm so concerned about others I don't even check in with myself
Have I eaten? no. Have I slept? no. Am I happy? no.
My facade. Oh, how we love her. No, we love what lies deeper than her
Her soul is beauty Her strength soothing I don't think I'm better than anyone else I am worthless The emptiness I feel inside is counteracted by the love I pour into others.
I give I give I giv I gi I g I
until there is nothing left
There is nothing left of me What am I doing Why am I so concerned about others when they don't give a **** about me. No one appreciates my love They don't feel it the way I feel it Why do I give myself away so freely? Why am I so ******* damaged Why does he still love me?
I conjure this false sense of being there for everyone But who is there for me when I'm broken? Shattered Beat down