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Feb 2020
You told me you loved me
You said I was your forever
You promised me that you won't ever leave...

But in the end, all those were empty promises
Everything you said was a lie
I cry every night wondering
When did our love die...

What happened to our love?
What happened to our forever?
What happened to our promises?
What happened to us...

Each dreary day pass as I fake a smile
Underneath my mask are tear threatening to fall
This broken heart that no one sees
Is now far beyond anyone's reach

All those nights spent locked in my room
As silent tears stream stream down my cheeks
Every whimper barely above a whisper
And my mind keeps turning and turning

Searching for a reason
To why you have left me
In this desolate state
In this empty world, scarred and hurt

I remember all the good memories we made
All the bright smiles we shared
Is this all in the past now? Or do we still have a chance?
Written by
Sabrina  17/Malaysia
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