I see you, I hear the waves crash I long to come to you You're floating in the ocean of love and life I'm here ankle deep I want to come be with you But the shore beckons me to stay on dry land where it's safe I hear you calling my name, come to me, my love I won't let you drown, I will keep you safe The shore says stay here where it's dry and you know me You are familiar to me as i am to you The sand is so hot and it's comfortable What if i forgot how to swim, what if after all this time I can't swim with the tides What about all those unknown riptides What if I go under and I can't breathe Your smile calls to me and I long to be where it is I see the sun rise with your smile, I see the waves take your body further from me You look so free, I want to be free too, You dove in head first but I hesitate to follow The shore I know, it has been my home, I've built castles made of sand here ruled by kings made of sand as well, that let me down But, you don't let me down, you won't let me drown The waves crash all around and i panic, do i stay here on dry ground or do i swim with you and be free from all that keeps me here without you, without love, I've been throwing out messages in bottles my whole life Hoping an honest sailor like you would find them and answer This salt water stings my cuts but there's healing in this pain, I feel it and These tides could tear us apart or could be the ones that bind you and me forever