At age five It was a monster A monster that Could eat me alive If momma forgot To turn on my night light
At age ten It was a reminder A reminder that it Was time to head home And get ready for bed The fun was over
At age sixteen It was a cloak A cloak that Hid me from the reality of my choices As I took another hit
At age seventeen It was a reason A reason to get wasted again Cause what better to do than drink your sorrows away In a small town once the sun's gone down
And now, At age nineteen It still haunts me:
The monsters sleep under My bed cause momma doesn't turn On the night light from 11 towns away
The reminders of all the Things I should've done today but didnt Compile themselves in long to-do lists for tomorrow
The cloak lets me hide from the outside And obsess over all the things I told myself I didn't care about in the light
And the reasons to get wasted Are more abundant than ever Making it more of a necessity To escape the pressures building up all day