my blue bones are wit and it means less to keep things and nothing is quiet. we rely on knit springs and disingenuous copilots. we're prone to the oath of our fears suckling the dent in our collective breast. nursing the suffering of our sharp pillows and the terrors of our happiness, windswept. we cherish the swamp-sweat of outlines... chalking the missing body.
instead of dem crocodiles, we have golden calf-fish slaughtered on the lawn of our untarnished rush... prospecting - and jumping the claim to our gummi worm.
we tumble in tandem, and massively mismanage our enchantments. my bones are blue wit and it means less to have at it.
we jab Stats and lack Data, but clap atoms to a mad hatter. we raid the pantry of our miffed ladder against the side of a barn gone. leaning in the twilight of our genuine sun.
surly pixies in the black sugar, kinking the last nerve of our entropy.
dem crocodiles, grinning rigid menace in the murk... instead of dem - let us first disperse where the hurt, hurts; and be first to do less worse than a farcry or an up-close word
a tad mean. lets collapse things that expand, burning all this, instead of dem secrets... un-ghouling the riddle of our dead wait in the infinite room next to the room with the last view of a naked girl.