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May 2013
I really don’t care about Valentine’s Day. I mean unless you have someone special to share it with it’s mostly just another day of over romancing couples dancing around in their perfect little harmony. Mostly, I just treat it like another day, school, library, and then swim in its exact perfect order. My own little symphony of life and Valentine’s Day is just something that might interrupt it. I’m not saying I dread it, just it depends on if you’re single or in a relationship. Personally, I’m fine being single, it’s just that Valentine’s Day when you see all the lovers and swoons, well, you feel a little lonely. I mean most of my friends have somebody and I’m fine with that, but everywhere when their “somebody” is around I feel and little intrusive and odd. As a plus though, I never have to worry about a date on Valentine’s Day and if by a miracle I get one it’s going to be with someone I feel comfortable around, so I really don’t have to stress it. On down side though, is so many couples end in tragedy do to the internet. People say and do things there you’d never expect and that can effect a relationship badly. He might like the wrong picture or she might talk to the wrong guy. Plus, with internet dating you never really know who you’re really “in love” with. It’s so easy to lie on the internet, how can you know the person is who they say they are? Also, money can ruin a relationship. What if he didn’t get you anything or you got him something cheap? See, these are all perfectly logical reasons of how easy single is. Sometimes though, you miss the love in your heart, head, and body, the feel of a warm embrace, and the strength that comes from something as easy as a held hand. Love is just a overproduced emotion that can be real or fake. Oh well though, I’m not the only one who must feel this way. Is anyone out there that has the same thoughts and feelings?
Written by
Jamie Taylor Holt
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