i love my cats to be... escque bookmarks... sphinex worthwhile to be willing to be dragged into the grand yawn of hell; we'd call death a leisure activity: a golf whirlwind would be: oops... or that better performing: punctuation marker; ******* break-in woo a woke-bit-sigh trill R... let's just forget it... call it whatever lust is required... that never ****-yard and duck-quax... "limbo"... this... aphrodite's ******* sterling... which you towed as... the name to buy... Calibos née Thetis... this name to borrow... what is the meaning of life? the "beatrice"... to live a life that's also worth the meaning behind one's name... some would call it: baby... some would rather... claim... a ****** rifles' sniffing at an aim... headshot and a brain hemorrhage interlude: spine break... the "guillotine" and the english hanging... Calibos née Thetis! leave me eating the teeth i would otherwise use to chew! i tend to forget that woman is part of romance... when... there's no longer any ******* involved... and only the rearing of children... that there's a lady gaga... because there's no billy joel... and... worship a snail for a wish for a hard-on.