Different does not mean separate. So why do we have racism, hate, ****** of those who are different, but not separate, from us, as well as a seemingly inexorable proclivity to destroy Earth and all living creations on it.? Is this an aberration in the extreme? If so, it is a grotesque and deadly illusion that has been with us for countless millennia. Why? A gross ignorance that has begotten insecurity and brought us to the edge of extinction? But we know better now, or at least we should. John Donne was prescient: “Every man is a piece of the continent, a part of the main.” We are one, both ecologically and spiritually. Ecolog- Ically, we know that if we pollute the Mississippi River, we ineluctably will pollute the Indian Ocean. Spiritually, we all pray to the same creator of the Universe, but call the creator by dif- ferent names. Can’t you see these truths? If you cannot, you are myopic ecologically and spiritually. Get your ecological and spiritual eye sight checked immediately.
Copyright 2020 Tod Howard Hawks
A graduate of Andover and Columbia College, Columbia Universitiy, Tod Howard Hawks has been a poet and human-rights advocate his entire adult life. He recently finished his novel, A CHILD FOR AMARANTH.