your world will fall apart, you will lose yourself and every safety net you thought you had, will give in. you will feel as though there is nothing left and you will be hanging on by a strand.
this has happened many times, and if not, it will.
let yourself feel this. cry, scream, listen to songs that break your heart. embrace your loneliness, your heartache, your confusion.
let yourself crack. let the light in. be open to what is unfamiliar. realize that this? this is solitude, these are growing pains, this is you finding your way back home to yourself.
i know it feels as though there is nothing left for you, but there is.
there is you.
as much as you’ve allowed yourself to shrink into places you no longer fit and as much of yourself as you’ve cut off to fit into places you no longer belong,
there is you.
you are not disappearing anymore, you are not rebuilding your world, you are building you.