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May 2013
I feel so vulnerable,
I feel so blind,
A monster behind me,
Or is it in my mind?
Or is it just me?
Is this insanity?

Is there no escape?
Is this my cursed fate?
I feel hot breath on my neck's nape,
Death is all that I await,
Yet, it won't come,

So I must suffer,
And try to be tougher,
And hope to be free soon.
This poem was first posted on my account [username: birchstar97].
Inspired by this picture:;=29
This image really sent me to a totally new place, emotionally. If you have any ideas for an additional stanza, please let me know. : ) Oh, and please comment with some constructive criticism!
Rosalind Hawkins
Written by
Rosalind Hawkins  America
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