Magic is a lost art form It crawls through your mind like a worm So many papers written about it for the end of the term All striving for once single goal to learn learn learn It might make you get a perm Causing a riot and making you turn Give that monkey a new bread crumb Or he'll succumb to being obnoxiously dumb But it will probably happen anyway Because the monkey listens to the fray
While his mother goes home to pray That his father doesn't travel far away From his family or his favorite friends But on his job it all depends On which locations are best for him Going by the name of Edward Tim Who use to frequent his home gym He Crushed on hot girls named Kim Kim loved to crash Tim's wonderful parties Shooting up with a pack of Smarties Tim wanted her to be a lady
Tim wanted her to be a lady Because she was pregnant with Tim's baby Although her mother wanted her to give it up maybe However Kim wanted to name her baby Sadie.
Tim wanted to name it after his mother. Kim wanted to name it after her brother. Both of decided because of each other that it was getting quite dim With such fuss between Tim and Kim they settled on a name that was another And prayed that their son would not be dumb Then he wouldn't be any fun for Kim or Tim
The fat rat sat flat on may's bat While the sun shined you'll find some fun before the day is done said the trees which they mimed and chimed