to the woman who has captivated for all time-coming closest to human perfection, she; found in an alcove down a museum hall, to be admired, the world over, having her subtle smile preserved with a focused light trained on the canvas- as her darkened eyes reflect- some- thing of a secret detail never revealed- she of the beauty and of womanhood-surpassed- sits unaware,with all the voyeuristic eyes trained on her, the contrast of light and dark; her image imbued- as you move from, side to side admiring the artist concept -of she who sat unmoved, unchanged-what was she thinking as she sat there- then you think to yourself-somehow a reaction resolves-itself as you are reminded, that you know her, yet you can't quite put your finger on it- or was it your eye, just playing a trick- and or was that the artist's intention all along