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Feb 2020
I knew I was different in so many ways
The grief cannot take that away 
The love we had will never be forgotten
My mind to live the special times
Fingers and thumbs they will still show
Memories  that we have cannot be taken
Good  the bad however we see them
Always there whenever it is cold

Roll of the dice that no one knows
Spin  of the wheel the answer will show
Winning  or losing will scatter our brains
Truth that lies may sorrow your woes.  
Look  inside and the answers will be there
Never knowing it was  under your nose.  

Who am I don’t really know
Believe  what you want be true to yourself
Time  and time will surely show.  
Outsiders will see what they want
Be kind be gentle friend or foe 
Free from the wolves and swing from the trees Stand in the rain to watch and grow

Find the rainbow the red pink and green
Follow  it until  the yellow begins.  
The answers maybe there to search again
Relive in your dreams your voice to sing
Gallop  in the wind no matter to  fall
Climb back on and be free with your wings.
Written by
   Fawn and ---
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